@php /* * This template only use for MultiStorePro $layout_page = store_home */ @endphp @extends($sc_templatePath.'.layout') @php $productsNew = $modelProduct->start()->getProductLatest()->setlimit(sc_config('product_top', $storeId))->setStore($storeId)->getData(); @endphp @section('block_main_content_center')

{{ trans('front.products_new') }}

@foreach ($productsNew as $key => $productNew)
{{ $productNew->name }}
{{-- Button add to cart --}} @if ($productNew->allowSale()) {{trans('front.add_to_cart')}} @endif {{--// Button add to cart --}} {!! $productNew->showPrice() !!}
{{-- Product type --}} @if ($productNew->price != $productNew->getFinalPrice() && $productNew->kind != SC_PRODUCT_GROUP) @elseif($productNew->kind == SC_PRODUCT_BUILD) @elseif($productNew->kind == SC_PRODUCT_GROUP) @endif {{--// Product type --}} {{-- Wishlist, compare --}} {{--// Wishlist, compare --}}
@if (!empty($listCategoryStore) && count($listCategoryStore)) @foreach ($listCategoryStore as $category)

{{ $category->getTitle() }}

@php $products = $modelProduct->start()->setStore($storeId)->getProductToCategoryStore($category->id) ->setLimit(sc_config('product_top', $storeId))->getData() @endphp @foreach ($products as $key => $product)
{{ $product->name }}
{{-- Button add to cart --}} @if ($product->allowSale()) {{trans('front.add_to_cart')}} @endif {{--// Button add to cart --}} {!! $product->showPrice() !!}
{{-- Product type --}} @if ($product->price != $product->getFinalPrice() && $product->kind != SC_PRODUCT_GROUP) @elseif($product->kind == SC_PRODUCT_BUILD) @elseif($product->kind == SC_PRODUCT_GROUP) @endif {{--// Product type --}} {{-- Wishlist, compare --}} {{--// Wishlist, compare --}}
@endforeach @endif
@endsection @section('blockStoreLeft') {{-- Categories tore --}} @if (!empty($listCategoryStore) && $listCategoryStore->count())
{{ trans('front.categories_store') }}
@endif {{-- //Categories tore --}} @endsection {{-- breadcrumb --}} @section('breadcrumb') @php $bannerStore = $modelBanner->start()->getBannerStore()->setStore($storeId)->getData()->first(); @endphp @endsection {{-- //breadcrumb --}} @push('styles') {{-- Your css style --}} @endpush @push('scripts') {{-- Your scripts --}} @endpush